
{{< table_of_contents >}}

ReGIna’s syntax is an amalgamation of kotlin and python.

Top level declarations

Essentially, file is a set of classes, objects, functions and imports. Executable and importable files have .rgn format.


Class declaration should satisfy following format:

class ClassName : SuperClassName {

where : SuperClassName is optional.

Class contains properties and functions.


Similar syntax to type, although it cannot be inherited.

object ObjectName {

Object is a singleton that is lazily initialized (when a property is called, it is initialized and everything needed for its initialization).

object Lazy {
    a = b
    b = 1
    c = 2

fun main() {
    // here nothing in Lazy is initialized
    // here Lazy.a and Lazy.b are initialized, c is not


Function has non-default parameters and default parameters. Default parameters go after other ones.

fun functionName(param0, param1, ..., default_param0 = defaultValue, ...) {

{{< refer “regina/scopes/#using-functions-with-same-signature” “Accessing functions with same signature” >}}.


[!warning] Warning

Do not use following file names: Global.rgn, this.rgn

Imports are declarations that allow to use objects, classes and functions from an imported file.


Take a look at a table of operator precedence

+ non commutative addition with implicit type conversion. All use cases:

// List + Any <=> List.add(Any)
[1, 2] + 3 // == [1,2,3]
// String + Any <=> String + Any.toString()
"Hello, " + "Alex" // == "Hello, Alex"
// Int + Double or Double + Int <=> double(Int) + Double
1 + 3.2 = 4.2

if(...) .. else .. - ternary operator is kotlin-like.

Boolean operators

Boolean operators return 0 and 1 respectively (non-)equality: ==, !=

Comparison: >, <, >=, <=

Logical operators: &&, ||. As in other languages, if left operand is enough to resolve an operator, right operator is not evaluated

!: not prefix operator. Inverts expression.

Boolean values

true is 1, false is 0. {{< refer “regina/types/#boolean” “Boolean is Int.” >}}


// true and false are 1 and 0 respectfully. 
// There is no boolean type, only keywords,
// that are changed to numbers during runtime 
true // == 1
false // == 0
!true // == 0

[!note] Notes

In the future, & and | operators might be added.

Arithmetic operators

Ternary operator

Property/variable assignment

variableName = ...
className.PropertyName = ...

Variables and properties are dynamic, meaning they are type independent. a can be String and in the next line it can be Int or class instance.


References are expressions of form a.b.c. They serve 3 purposes:

  1. accessing class/object properties
  2. accessing primitive/class/object and functions
  3. specifying package declarations
  4. reducing expressions



while is a cycle which body executes until the condition is false.

condition = 1
while(condition) {


foreach has:

  1. an iterator name
  2. an iterable (List, String or range)
  3. body

Foreach will run the body for all the elements of collection.

Foreach in list

arr = [1, [], 3, [], 5]
foreach(i in arr) {
    if(i is List)
    else i = i + 1
// arr == [1, ["a"], 3, ["a"], 5]
foreach(i in arr) {
// arr == [["a"], ["a"]]
// this happens because foreach internally 
// iterates over a collection by an index.
// t
// it is very unadvisable to modify collection's size inside foreach.

Foreach in String

Similar to list, but all iterable elements are not changeable

Foreach in range

// range is a unique function used only inside foreach
// it has 3 arguments, where third is optional: step
li = []
foreach(i in range(0, 10, 2))
// li == [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
// if step is not specified, it equals to 1 or -1,
// depending on start and end
foreach(i in range(1, 3))
    li.add(i + 10)
// li == [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13]
foreach(i in range(3, 0)) {
// li == [8, 10, 11, 12, 13]

1. Accessing properties

Code conventions

Accessing and assigning collection elements


empty = [] // create empty list
filled = [1, "2", [3, 4], {5:6}] // create list with elements


dict = {1:2} // dict key value pair is created with a colon
dict[1] // accessing value by dict key
dict["key"] = "value" // assigning value to key
dict["not found"]

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