Interpreter code compiles into JVM and Javascript. Main feature of the language are declarative classes: class properties can be defined by other, not yet initialized properties and instances. Practical value of the language is in creation of concise SVG image generators. Additionally, the documentation was created.
Crategram is a tool for improving grammar writing skills. It is done with tasks where user has to construct a PEG grammar.
The map generator for HoMM‐like game, written with KorGE game engine. Creates a 2d map with castles, mines, roads, resources, obstacles and guards. The generated map can be opened in a map editor. Additionally, the map generation can be viewed incrementally in a window.
Geomc is the system for creating and solving geometry problems using specifically designed domain-specific language. It is inspired by Codeforces and sites alike, the initial idea is to create a similar system but for geometry tasks.
All of my smaller projects (games mostly) are collected on page. Most notable ones are Arithmos (took a 22nd place in creativity among 6142 participants in GMTK Gamejam 2022), Sliding platformer and plant generator.