Making tex to html cv translator


For about a year, I had CV made with LaTeX in Overleaf (online LaTeX editor). But I found it cumbersome to import new versions to Google Drive when CV was updated. Therefore, I decided to translate tex cv to html.


There are two ways to transform LaTeX to html: either transform resulting pdf file, or the .tex sources. I tried the first approach, and was unsatisfied with the results: all formatting was removed, the result was plain text with some bold titles. Because of it I chose the second option with translating LaTeX to html. Latex.js is a library made specifically for this purpose.

Unfortunately, the capabilities of Latex.js are limiting, so I had to recreate my CV with the minimal LaTeX supported by Latex.js1. I hope, it looks similar. This is my old CV, and this is the new one.

Here is a script for translation:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# declare constants

# comment tex instructions that are not working in Latex.js library
echo $cv | \
  sed -e 's/\\usepackage{titlesec}/%\\usepackage{titlesec}/' \
  -e 's/\\pagenumbering{gobble}/%\\pagenumbering{gobble}/' \
  -e 's/\\titlespacing/%\\titlespacing/' \
  -e 's/\\titleformat/%\\titleformat/' \
  -e 's/\\setlength{\\voffset}{-20pt}/%\\setlength{\\voffset}{-20pt}/' \
  -e 's/\\makebox\[[a-zA-Z0-9]*\][{}a-z\\A-Z0-9\.]*/%hr%/g' \
   > $temp

# create html from tex for cv
npx latex.js $temp -p > $cv_html_path
rm $temp

echo $(<$cv_html_path) | sed \
  -e 's/   //g' \ # remove generatedw whitepace characters
  -e 's/­//g' \ # here invisible char is removed
  -e 's/<\/h2>/<\/h2><hr>/g' \ # add horizontal line separators
  -e 's/<html style="--size: [0-9\.]*px;/<html style="--size: 16px;/g' \ # change font size to 16px
  -e 's/<title>untitled<\/title>/<title>Aleksey Kononov CV<\/title>/g' \ # add title
  -e 's/<span style="margin-right:170.079px">//' \ # remove whitespace under name
  -e 's/--marginparwidth: [0-9\.]*%;/--marginparwidth: 60%;/' \ # change date margin width
  -e 's/\(--[A-Za-z]*: [0-9]*\)\.[0-9]*/\1/g' \ # remove all floating point values for zoom to work
  > $cv_html_path

I used a lot of string replacements by utilizing sed command. The most frequent use of it consists of command with three elements:'s/<STRING>/<REPLACEMENT>/<FLAG>/', where <FLAG> is g to change all the occurrences or empty to change only the first one. To make multiple replacements, chain them with argument -e.


After that, I wanted to check if I really improved my time. Here are the steps needed to get link to cv with tex-html translator or by Google Drive sharing:

Update CV on site Update CV on Drive
Open Overleaf
Edit file in Overleaf
Open IDE Delete last CV file from Downloads
Copy main.tex from Overleaf to site Load file from Overleaf
Run script for CV transpiling Open Google Drive
Push changes to site Upload file to Drive

Well, it doesn’t seem that new solution is any better that the old one. But often I forgot to delete previous CV from Downloads, therefore needed to do some additional steps. Additionally, now I have a short and readable CV link!

  1. On this step I could completely dump the idea and recreate my CV purely using html. I’m sure that there are great tools for exporting html to pdf. But I thought that having a CV in a .tex format is more respectable or something.↩︎

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